At St. Mark’s CE (A) Primary school, Religious Education (RE) plays an important role in defining the school’s distinctive Christian character. The subject is central to the school’s understanding of education. As a school we recognise that spiritual development lies at the heart of the curriculum.
RE teaching at this school will be in line with the recommendations of the Statement of Entitlement for Church Schools, published by the National Society and adopted by the Lichfield Diocesan Board of Education (2012). Christianity will, therefore, be the majority study in RE as understanding Christianity as a living religion is the foundation of Religious Education in church schools. It is important that this draws on the richness and diversity of Christian experience in the breadth of its Anglican and other denominational forms, and in the variety of worldwide forms. The encounter must be an open one which stems from and instils respect for different views and interpretations and in which real dialogue and education takes place.
Church schools have a duty to foster an accurate and increasing understanding of world religions and world views. As a result, pupils will gain greater insight into the world in which they are growing up. They will also be able to appreciate the faith of others and develop a deeper understanding of their own beliefs and practices. These outcomes must contribute to harmonious relationships within and between communities, promoting social inclusion and combating prejudice.
RE teaching also follows the legal requirements of the Education Reform Act (1988), which places RE as part of the basic curriculum; a statutory subject which is an entitlement of all pupils.
Aims and Objectives
The intention of RE is not to convert pupils or to urge a particular religion or religious belief on them.
The aims of Religious Education in our school are:
The outcomes for pupils at the end of their time in our school are that they are able to:
In addition the subject contributes to other areas of education and human experience and plays an important part of the wider programme of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Additional links will be found across the curriculum especially with Citizenship and PSHE. RE can also make a positive contribution to enhancing creativity and enjoyment and ensure the well-being of all pupils.
Right to Withdraw
At St. Mark’s CE (A) Primary school we wish to be an inclusive community but recognise that parents have the legal right to withdraw their children from religious education or collective worship on the grounds of conscience, without giving a reason. Parents wishing to exercise this right are asked to write to the Executive Head Teacher who will then invite the parents into school to discuss their concerns, clarify the nature of the RE and worship provided by the school and set out the options open to the parents as set out in education law. However, the right of withdrawal does not extend to other areas of the curriculum when, as may happen on occasion, spontaneous questions on religious matters are raised by pupils or there are issues related to religion that arise in other subjects. Where a pupil is withdrawn from RE and do not take part in alternative religious education they will be supervised by an appropriate member of staff.
The RE Subject Leader is responsible for:
Assessment and Reporting
Curriculum Content and Organisation
The school bases its RE provision on the Stoke on Trent Agreed Syllabus. In addition, the school uses the Lichfield Diocesan RE Resource Handbook, materials from the National Society, and other appropriate units to enhance teaching and offer the extra dimension of its Church foundation.
At least 5% of curriculum time will be dedicated to meeting explicitly RE objectives, although the subject may be taught across the curriculum when appropriate. Within this teaching allocation at least two thirds of subject content will be allocated to an exploration of the Christian faith, and the concepts, beliefs, teachings and practices that lie at its heart.
Class teachers will teach R.E. On occasions RE may be taught by HLTAs covering classes.
The teaching organisation includes:
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
RE. is a statutory subject within the Curriculum, and each child at St Mark’s CE (A) Primary School regardless of age, race or gender has an entitlement to be taught at an appropriate level to fulfil their potential in this area.
Children are taught RE from the Foundation Stage onwards. Children with SEND. are identified as early as possible and their needs addressed in accordance with the school’s SEND Policy and with reference to the SEND Code of Practice.
EAL Entitlement
Children with EAL are entitled to access to the whole curriculum. In the teaching of RE children will be taught at an appropriate level for their language development. Teaching strategies will give consideration to cognitive demands as well as language demands. Teachers will use the school’s individual EAL profiles to assess children and inform planning for pupils with EAL in accordance with the school’s EAL policy.
We will review this policy on a yearly basis.